The main characteristic of commercial transactions in India is the customer's ability to negotiate prices downward at the time of purchase, the so-called bargaining.
The price is not fixed by the seller, but seeks a balance with the desire and purchasing power of the buyer. What is usually bargained in India? Typically in the markets: from clothes, jewelry, shoes, accessories, to certain hostels and means of transport.
India stands out for its great bargaining power, so bargaining is a must if you are traveling for tourism, work or business.
Have you ever bargained? Here are some tips on how to do it:
A key tip is to show no interest in the object you want and on which you are haggling over its price. Present an attitude of indifference, as if you are just hanging out for the sake of hanging out.
If you are asked 1200 rupees for an object, you offer half. The seller will usually be offended, so you go up in price little by little. If the seller does not budge on the price or does not reach the price you want, you can use the “I'm leaving, I'm not interested” strategy.
Even if you are very interested in buying an object, never show your interest and. If necessary, say goodbye and leave the store. It may happen that they call you to give you a good counteroffer or accept your own offer. It can also happen that they don't come after you and you are left with the desire.
Go to other establishments that sell the same thing you are looking for. Make a price survey and you will realize that you can get what you want at a lower price than you had in mind. You will have an advantage since you will know what you have been offered in other places.
Seeing a fixed-price store is not difficult. These prices are the benchmark with other stores that don’t have a fixed price. Pre-packaged items such as bottled water, cosmetics, brand name items, packaged meals and electronics are sold at fixed prices.
These prices include taxes, so the price tag tells you exactly how much you need to pay for them. Unless the store advertises a discount, it is rare for a merchant to sell below the printed maximum sale price.
If the store owner offers you refreshments, you should politely refuse, even if he is insistent. Accepting such hospitality might prevent you from leaving immediately if you don't like what is sold there.
The salesperson may actually be trying to guilt you into buying. Keep in mind, however, that not all cases are the same. Offers 365 brings you all the deals catalogs of your favorite stores in India. Explore them and shop now guilt free. You won't regret it!
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