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The Most Effective Sport Supplements To Get To Your Max When Training

Von Offers 365Veröffentlicht 7 August 2024
The Most Effective Sport Supplements To Get To Your Max When Training

Nowadays, there are a multitude of sports supplements on the market, but we have to know how to differentiate between those that work and those that are just a waste of money. Whether they will help you achieve your goals faster depends on it.

In this article, we will look at the most effective sports supplements for training and how to make proper use of them. Remember that in Indian stores like Fast&Up you can find incredible offers and discounts on the most varied sports supplements.


joven-mujer-linda-posando-interior_344912-967.jpg It is the most famous and well known. Daily protein needs can range from 1.8 to 2 g/kg of body weight. This protein is necessary for recovery and muscle mass gain.

If a lower amount of protein is consumed, recoveries will be slower and we may lose muscle mass due to muscle catabolism. With the help of a supplement we can ingest a ration of protein easily, quickly and richly.

Moreover, its origin is natural as it is extracted from milk whey, so it is a safe and interesting product even for lactose intolerant people. Protein is usually taken in doses of 30-40 grams mixed with a liquid (milk, vegetable drink or water).


hombre-joven-entrenando-gimnasio_23-2147915450.jpg Creatine monohydrate is the most effective and studied supplement focused on increasing performance and capacity in high intensity efforts.

Is produced naturally by our body and stored in specific sites. We can obtain creatine from certain foods such as meat, fish or eggs. It provides increased cognitive performance and neuroprotection, helps control glucose and reduce sarcopenia.

It can be taken before or after exercise in doses of 0.07 to 0.1 grams per kg of body weight. It should be taken daily to maintain high creatine levels. We can perform a loading phase (take more creatine per day) or not, but the important thing is to maintain a continuous intake of quality creatine.


984dbf54e8.jpg Caffeine improves some aspects of performance in a punctual way. Doses may vary depending on the individual, as some are more tolerant than others. This supplement stimulates the central nervous system, improving aspects such as speed, strength and alertness.

Can be found naturally in coffee and dark chocolate, which may be sufficient to achieve a small improvement in performance. Doses can range from 3-6 mg per kg of body weight, but it is best to start with a low dose, around 2-3 mg per kg.

Benefits of sports supplements

There are a multitude of sports supplements and depending on the objective we want to achieve, some will be more useful than others.

The benefits that sports supplements can bring us are multiple and depend on the specific supplement, but in general terms they are usually the following:

  • Improve performance during our workouts

  • Improve recovery after intense efforts

  • Optimize muscle mass gain

  • Improve cognitive performance

  • Stimulate and prepare the body for intense

Offers 365 brings you the discount catalogs from your favorite stores in India. And of course, if you have decided to start your fitness path, Fast&Up has the best supplements for you!


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