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Unmissable deals and discounts: your guide to saving big

Von Offers 365Veröffentlicht 5 April 2024
Unmissable deals and discounts: your guide to saving big

India, like every other country in the world, is a land of opportunity. Not only will you pick up a rug and a cotton garment at a great price after bargaining, but you can also make the most of the local and reputable stores. You may wonder how you can save big in a nation that offers a plethora of tempting products. Here are some tips for you to implement when you go shopping, whether it's for groceries or technology:

Define your budget


A tip that never fails is to define your budget beforehand. That is, take just enough money to buy only what you need. Even if there are temptations like candy and sweets at the supermarket, you won't have enough money to spend and you will have to stick to your list. Try not to take children with you. They will want to buy everything they see and could put you in a bind. Knowing what you're going to spend is the best strategy to avoid regretting it at the end of the day.

Make a list


Once you have defined the money you will spend on monthly, weekly or daily shopping, make a list of what your needs are. Only go through the shelves of what you are going to buy and avoid being distracted by products on sale. Stay away from vices. The same applies to small and large household appliances. If you are about to change them, prioritize the one that will be most needed at first.

Buy products on sale


Buying products on sale is a good trick, although it doesn't always work. Many times we let ourselves be seduced by promotions and end up with useless expenses. We buy what's on sale just because it's cheap and not because we really need it. But if you really are a bargain hunter, you can manage to use promotions to your advantage.

Compare prices


All the stores in India compete by discounting the same products. That's why you have to compare prices. You may see a discounted product in a specific store, but in another one it may be cheaper. Of course... you have to make sure that it doesn’t include shipping costs or after-sales service. This could make your purchase more expensive and not be favorable.

Check the real savings


Many stores play with percentages to show discounts. It's an eye-catching way to get you to buy with ads like “40% off” or “Everything with 20% off”. When you see offers where the percentage is highlighted, check the price very well. A 5% discount on an u$s800 cell phone is better than a 21% discount on a u$s15 flash drive. The real savings are much better on more expensive products, when the cheaper ones are just a few dollars change. Another tip: if you are interested in a product, you should prioritize it before it runs out.

Offers 365 brings you all the discount catalogs of your favorite stores in India.


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