It is good for children to read. In fact, in India there are many reading programs that encourage children to start reading at an early age. During the first six years of life, the foundation for competent readers is built, so experts advise that they have contact with books at this age. When children are very young, stories help in an essential way in the development of mental abilities such as memory, imagination and language.
Children can tell stories that they have already read or that an adult has read to them, even if they “can't read” yet, because the story has been internalized. The correspondence with the images helps them remember the story and retell or even reinvent it.
In India, there are many stores to get books like Shumee and Hamleys, so you can stimulate your kids. Why is it a good idea to encourage early reading? We tell you:
It often happens that many times kids ask us to read and reread the same story. They always choose the same one. Actually, it is because they are remembering that story. It helps them to work on their memory and to remember.
Books are another element of manipulation, of knowledge of textures, colors, of play. And it is through the playful space that a child appropriates reality, constructs and recreates it. Stories help them to find themselves within a story and to elaborate their own story from the narrative.
Reading leads to questions about the book and the information in it. Gives an opportunity to talk about what is happening and that it becomes a learning experience for the children.
Television, video games and smartphones are very present in our day to day lives and, therefore, in children's. However, reading a good book can be just as entertaining and more enriching. Choosing a book that interests them and reading it together or letting them flip through the pages alone is definitely the best option.
Reading helps them to learn more about the world they live in, to know themselves and their environment more thoroughly. It is a unique source of new experiences. That is why it is important that they start familiarizing themselves with stories as soon as possible, even if they have not yet learned to read.
It is important to seek out reading times in the home as it has a positive impact on family bonding.
Providing little ones with books on various topics, or even in different languages, gives them a wide range of information. At the same time you can teach them values for life such as sharing, being kind and respecting diversity.
Offers 365 brings you all the discount catalogs from your favorite Indian book stores. Is your little one interested in reading? Stimulate him by giving a book. The first contact with reading at an early age will be fundamental.
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